Our Weekend Adventure

How was your weekend? I hope it was the loveliest of lovely weekends.

We did something we haven’t done for I don’t know how many years — we went BOWLING!

Things have definitely CHANGED since we last went bowling.

For starters, you don’t have to do MATH! I am dating myself here, but I remember having to tally up all those spares and strikes and all the rules to be followed with such an elaborate score keeping system. I wasn’t very good at it, let’s just put it that way. So now, your score is totalled automatically. Hooray for that.

My Pink Bowling Ball

Also….I couldn’t believe I could have a PINK bowling ball. Be still my heart. Gary picked orange. I like pink and orange.

My Blue Suede Shoes (I kid you not)

And the shoes have really gotten an upgrade since last time we bowled. I got BLUE SUEDE! I know, I couldn’t believe it either. Here they are.

Sadly, neither of these little pick-me-ups seemed to help my game. Gary easily won the first game – it was like 159 to 68 or something like that. Oh well. Then he taught me the ole swing-your-leg-back trick, and my second game score shot up like a rocket. Well, not exactly like a rocket. It did go up to 140 though. I surprised myself. But he still beat me with a 160 or something like that.

It was super fun. I would do it again.

When’s that last time you went bowling?

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